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Perhaps you have noticed that the Education and Treatment Program was developed in the group, with the exception of individual counseling sessions.

This is because it has been shown that it is rare that an addict of their illness improves on its own.

That is, the more progress toward recovery is best achieved in groups composed of their peers.

For this reason, the primary emphasis in this program is done in group therapy.

You might ask "good" and therapy sessions or individual council are not very important?.

The answer is that if they are, but are important as supplementary component of group therapy.

Group therapy is not a class on how to solve problems, nor an intellectual discussion on the problems of others.

Group therapy is a resource that is used to discover or identify ideas, thoughts and emotions, as well as the ways in which we ourselves "block" those ideas, thoughts and emotions, and how we act and react to them.

Group therapy will allow you, the addicted person, gain emotional experiences in an environment free of harmful chemicals to start moving toward the goal of recovery, including peace of mind and emotional comfort.

Apart from some very basic guidelines or lineaments that are offered, no more rules applicable to group therapy than leave it to yourself.

Say what you feel or think.

This may seem ridiculous, absurd or even inspire fear.


you will discover that the more involved in the exchange of expressions that takes place in the group will be faster recovery.

In other words, you get more out of group therapy, the more effort devoted to it.

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