First time DUI offenders are required, as a condition of probation, to get a clinical evaluation, and if
indicated by the evaluation, complete a substance abuse treatment program. These requirements, effective July 1, 2008 are in addition to all other existing requirements for probation. Under this new law, the Department
of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) is responsible for approving clinical evaluators and
treatment providers and establishing regulations for implementing these requirements
You must complete the DUI Risk Reduction program (DUI School of 20 hours of classroom instruction)
before getting the clinical evaluation.
The clinical evaluation consists of a clinical interview, a review of your NEEDS Assessment results from the DUI school, and any other assessment instruments deemed appropriate by the evaluator to complete a thorough evaluation. Only an approved evaluator from the DBH/DD Registry of Clinical Evaluators can complete your clinical evaluation.
You will be given a Clinical Evaluation Agreement / Contract that informs you of the services you are entitled to as part of the evaluation process.
If no treatment is recommended, the evaluator will send a form to DBHDD to request a Requirements Met Certificate that will be mailed to you.
If the evaluation results in a treatment recommendation, the clinical evaluator must show you a list of approved providers (DBHDD Registry of Treatment Providers).
The evaluator will recommend a level of care.
The evaluator cannot tell you to go to a specific treatment provider, you decide that.
The evaluator cannot determine the exact number of weeks you have to attend treatment.
If the evaluator determines there is no need for treatment, the evaluator will submit a case presentation to DBH/DD for review.
If approved, DBHDD will provide the client with a “Requirements Met” form, which can be submitted to your Probation Officer.
You must choose a treatment provider from the DBHDD Registry of Treatment Providers who is permitted to deliver the ASAM level of care recommended by the clinical evaluator.
NOTE: As part of a court order, only a judge can tell you to go to a particular treatment program.
ASAM Level I – Short Term Program is 6-12 weeks, 18 hours minimum.
ASAM Level I long-term program is three to nine hours of treatment services per week. The length
of treatment is 4 to 12 months. A treatment review occurs when 4 months has been
completed. A decision will then be made for you to continue with more counseling or that you have completed the treatment program.
You will be given a Treatment Agreement / Contract that informs you all requirements for successful completion of the program.
It is the responsibility of the treatment provider to determine the length of treatment and the number of hours you must attend. You may be expected to attend more than the minimum number of hours and weeks of treatment.
The treatment program may have additional requirements to be met before you are considered as having completed treatment. Each individual treatment provider or agency determines additional services. Finally, you must have satisfied all fees to the treatment provider in order to receive your “Treatment Completion” form, which can be submitted to your probation officer.
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