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What do we offer?
The Anger Intervention Program at CAFAC, Inc. is designed to assess and provide treatment for an array of anger and violence problems. Each client undergoes an individual assessment (screening) and individual program assessment to determine the appropriate treatment format. CAFAC, Inc. is a founding member and active participant in the Rockdale, Gwinnett and Clark Counties(We have a partnership with Family Counseling Services, Inc to provide FVIP in Athens for Latinos (Latino Track). Our Family Violence Intervention Program is certified by the Georgia Commission on Family Violence.[We are a state certified Family Violence Intervention Provider (see listing).]
Addictions Counseling --
Substance Abuse and Dependence
Problems of addiction are heart breaking, frustrating and mystifying for most individuals and families who are affected by them. Substance abuse and dependence all too often lead to loss of health, job, income and self-respect, as well as to divorce and alienation from family and friends, indescribable pain and sometimes death. Sadly, anyone can become addicted to one or more substances that can lead to a life of loneliness and despair. Unless a problem of addiction receives responsible attention it will continue to plague the addicted person mercilessly.
Counseling often provides a meaningful intervention for those who are affected by the carelessness of substance abuse or the more frightening specter of dependence. In such cases counseling can add insight, support, and education and can help reduce symptoms that may trigger the use of psychoactive substances. Traditionally, substance related problems have been addressed by professionals using individual and family counseling as well as structured groups that combine both educational and psychological components. Community support groups of the client?s choosing are often encouraged as an adjunct to treatment. Counseling can serve to provide a critical external control factor as well as a generator for relevant insights to play a key role in helping substance affected individuals remain in control and accountable for their behavior. It is important to emphasize that often addiction is accompanied by other mental health problems that need to be diagnosed and treated, in order to give the addicted individual a better chance to recover.
Ph: (404) 915-2644