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COVID-19 Update: 5/6/2020

We are offering now: Tele-Health - Counseling and Evaluations, please let us know if you are interested!

Call: (404) 915-2644

We have taken additional measures to ensure your safety, such as limiting the number of people in our waiting room, asking clients and families to wait in their car, and rooming patients immediately.

If you are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms, such cough and fever, please stay at home and call your primary doctor.

Otherwise, we are open and available to serve you. 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work through the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Actualización de COVID-19: 5/6/2020

Estamos ofreciendo ahora: Tele-Salud - Asesoramiento y evaluaciones, ¡háganos saber si está interesado!

Llamar: (404) 915-2644

Hemos tomado medidas adicionales para garantizar su seguridad, como limitar el número de personas en nuestra sala de espera, pedirles a los clientes y familiares que esperen en su automóvil y alojar a los pacientes de inmediato.

Si presenta síntomas similares a los de la gripe, como tos y fiebre, quédese en casa y llame a su médico de cabecera.

De lo contrario, estamos abiertos y disponibles para servirle.

Gracias por su paciencia y cooperación mientras trabajamos a través del impacto de la pandemia de Coronavirus.


Center for Addictions and Family Counseling provides Substance Abuse Intervention, Family Counseling and Education in an environment that respects honors and encourages cultural diversity.

All the Services are in Español & English 

Qualified DOT Substance Abuse Professional

Certified Family Violence Intervention Program

DUI Intervention Program, ASAM Level I, Short & Long Term

Certified Electronic Counseling

Court Mandated Alcohol & Drugs Evaluations & Program

Substance Abuse Professional - Evaluations

Victim Impact by MADD

Anger Managment Intervention Program

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